Howdy Campers! Just the weekly report coming in. Work proceeds on the next update, although i don't have anything exciting to add this time around. Just working...
Hello Campers! Just a weekly update as i proceed with the next update for Witchwood. I've got some maps down and ready, and i'm trying something new with the CG...
The next Update for Witchwood is out and ready to go! 0.32 is ready for Grizzled Patreons to have a go at it! Karen and Reed end up in a research village which...
Not a whole lot to say today! Maps and Sketches of Naked women are in the works. Should be starting on Eventing come tomorrow. Next week, v3.0 becomes available...
So, the Poll results are in, thanks to the 4 of you who voted, lol. Looks like Karen is getting a full body Bed scene. that should be fun! That's all for today...
Just a small update this week as I'm working on the next area and considering which assets to make. I'm grateful to all of you who've commented and supported me...
Well It's time for the next major release and update! Karen is taking center stage this time joining up with Reed after the events of the last update. She'll be...
Well! Things are moving now. I have most of the art work needed in, and the maps are finished for the next update. Programming events and trying to work out a f...